THE new Wellington School headmaster has heaped praise on the school’s students after an “excellent” GCSE Results day.

Following swiftly on from the school’s A-level outcomes, both sets of results are significantly above national averages.

The number of 9-7 grades is up by 10% in comparison to last year, with almost 15% of all recorded grade at level 9. The school is close to one-third of all grades at levels 9 and 8.

In total, four students were awarded seven or more grade 9s, the highest possible grade.

Alex Battison will become the headmaster of Wellington School next month as he looks to settle in Somerset with his family.

Alex Battison congratulates Wellington School students' GCSE Results day success. (Image: Wellington School) Alex is “so proud” of what his students at Wellington School have achieved and expects them to conquer whatever they decide to go on and do in their future endeavours.

He said: “In a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world, our community is pioneering the ways and means to enable our young people to flourish.

“We believe in creating the space and self-belief that inspires our students to create their futures.

“It is clear that Wellington students are rising to this challenge and we are extremely proud of them all.”