Our Somerset will join a nationwide effort to raise awareness of high blood pressure by hosting a 24-hour Test-A-Thon.

The blood pressure checks will take place at various locations, including workplaces, supermarkets, and shopping centres across the county on September 5 and 6.

This initiative is part of Somerset's Take the Pressure Off campaign, which has already provided over 2,000 free blood pressure checks since its launch in March.

Professor Trudi Grant, executive director of public and population health, a joint appointment between Somerset Council and NHS Somerset, said: "Our Take the Pressure Off campaign aims to test the blood pressure of as many people as possible in Somerset between March 2024 and March 2025.

"High blood pressure often has no symptoms, so it is thought that about 40,000 people in Somerset have high blood pressure but don’t know it.

"It’s a really simple test so don’t wait – get tested now at your local community pharmacy or borrow a self-testing kit from your library that you can use at home; it could save your life."

The nationwide awareness week is organised by Blood Pressure UK.

This year’s theme is You Have the Power, encouraging everyone to take control of their health by knowing their blood pressure numbers.

High blood pressure is a leading cause of heart attacks and strokes, but many people are unaware they have it as it usually does not cause symptoms.

The Test-A-Thon will also be at The Quedam Shopping Centre in Yeovil from 11am to 2pm, Angel Place Shopping Centre in Bridgwater from 2pm to 5pm, and ASDA Superstore in Taunton from 5pm to 8pm.

If you cannot attend the Test-A-Thon, you can borrow a blood pressure monitor for free from Somerset libraries or get a free check at community pharmacies.

Further information about future testing locations can be found at the Somerset County Council website.

This initiative is a simple yet effective way to potentially save lives by identifying undiagnosed high blood pressure.