TOWN councillors have agreed to replace a demolished toilet block in Wellington with a modular building.

The decision was taken at a council meeting and the authority will now apply for planning permission to put in place three cubicles.

The toilet block on Longforth Road was damaged when a car crashed into it in December 2022, causing the building to become unstable.

Work to demolish the building began in March 2024 and was completed by April 16.

The scene at the public toilets in Wellington after a car crashed into them. (Image: Aisling Magill)The scene at the public toilets in Wellington after a car crashed into them. (Image: Aisling Magill)

A spokesperson for Wellington Town Council said: “At its meeting on August 27, Wellington Town Council took a further step towards replacing the demolished Longforth Road toilet block when it agreed to apply for planning permission for a modular building containing three cubicles, one being accessible, and a small storage area.

“Modular builds are steel buildings with brick facias, the colour of which will match the brick work on surrounding buildings and are increasingly used around the country.

“They can be put in place much faster than a traditionally built building and are robust.

“Given that, from April 2025, the town council will be taking on the ownership and management of the toilet blocks in North Street Car Park and Wellington Park, it was agreed that the current condition of these blocks should be assessed to enable plans to be developed for any future improvements that may be required.

“Also, to establish how many cubicles are actually needed given that a couple in the North Street Car Park block are currently out of action.

“While the planning process is underway, the council will continue with its insurance claim and also seek to recover any uninsured costs arising from the third party damage.

“The outcomes of these processes will then inform a decision on how the costs of the modular build will be met.”