IT’S a time of the signs in Taunton - and that could stir up confusion.

Call me pedantic, but I’ve noticed some errors of information in a park off the town centre.

On top of that, you could incorrectly be led to believe the town’s public car parks are owned by three different councils.

And you might waste your time trying to find a cattle market that no longer exists.

Before going any further, remember we’re all human - and hopefully an eagle-eyed proof reader will prevent me ending up with egg on my face by correcting any of my typos or howlers.

Right, here we go. I spotted three mistakes in Goodland Gardens beside the River Tone.

A sign renames it Goodlands Garden. Maybe that’s totally excusable as many people use the incorrect version anyway.

Then there’s the Hammet Window sculpture listing historic characters with a Taunton connection.

The most infamous is the ‘Hanging Judge’ Jeffries, who sentenced scores of people to death following the Monmouth Rebellion in 1685. Except he wasn’t Judge Jeffries - he actually spelt his surname Jeffreys.

And nearby is a helpful map directing visitors unfamiliar with Taunton to various places around town. Hopefully they won't be scratching their heads looking for Country Walk shopping centre - it doesn't exist. It should of course be County Walk.

These gaffes are simple mistakes that won’t spoil your enjoyment of our lovely town.

You’ll also be able to spot some outdated signs around town that can be forgiven as they’re saving council taxpayers’ money.

Signs in three council-owned car parks suggest the one in Kilkenny is owned by Taunton Deane Borough Council (TDBC); another in Tancred Street apparently belongs to Somerset West and Taunton Council (SWT); and the one in Canon Street is controlled by Somerset Council.

Changes in local government have seen TDBC merge with West Somerset Council to form SWT before the county’s district councils were abolished and replaced by the unitary Somerset Council. Altering all the car park signs would be costly, so we’ll let the local authority off on this one.

Finally, there’s a road sign in Clifton Terrace directing motorists and pedestrians to the ‘Market’ half a mile away. You’ll have further than that to travel though - the cattle market left Taunton in 2008 and is now held eight miles away in North Petherton.