CAMPAIGNERS have asked Somerset Council to "sort pavements out" in the county.

Disability campaigner Brian Clarke, who has been diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease and is a wheelchair user, delivered a 1,400-signature petition to Somerset councillors at a council meeting last week.

Mr Clarke lives in Wells and struggles to get around the city in his wheelchair due to the "quality of pavements".

Because of his struggles, he has urged change in an ongoing campaign.

Mr Clarke proposed the petition with a unique number of signatures to the meeting, with 1,400 being the number of blue badge holders that live in Wells.

He had already sent a series of Freedom of Information requests (FOIs) to the Somerset Council with no response.

The petition demands the council to respond to the complaints and recommendations set out in a report titled the Wells Pavements Accessibility Survey 2023, which was presented to senior Somerset Council Highways Officers and Councillors in December 2023.

The report highlights the many serious difficulties and hazards faced by wheelchair users and pedestrians throughout Wells.

It also claims Somerset Council is in breach of its statutory duties in relation to the Highways Act 1980, the Road Traffic Act 1988 and the Equalities Act 2020.

Responding to the ongoing campaign, a Somerset Council spokesperson said: “Council officers and the lead member met with the report’s author and understand the level of concern.

“It’s important that potential solutions are not developed in isolation.

“As such, we will continue to work collaboratively and engage with others, such as Wells and Rural Local Community Network, Wells City Council, parishes, and other relevant stakeholders where possible.

“Of course, any steps taken would need to take account of the areas' ancient and historic nature, the financial constraints facing all councils, and other local competing priorities and demands on services.”