THE donations made to Glastonbury and Somerton's MP Sarah Dyke over the last year have been revealed.

The figures show Sarah Dyke received £31,000 in donations in the last year.

Wyke Farms Ltd, the Bruton-based cheesemakers, donated £5,000 to Sarah. 

Individual donations came from; Barrie Cooper, £4,000; Lord Paul Strasberger £13,000; Gitte Dawson, £5,000 for the election campaign; Guy Jennings, £2,000 for the election campaign; and Guy de Selliers, £2,000.

MPs are required to declare their financial interests within 28 days of the start of a new Parliament.

They must also disclose any gifts or benefits they receive that could be reasonably considered to influence what they say or do as MPs.

Sarah also declared her 15% shareholding of a retail company named Vintage Ghetto.

The MP also disclosed her other roles; Trustee of Wincanton Recreational Trust, unpaid; Director of Vintage Ghetto, unpaid; Councillor at Somerset Council, "unpaid since my election to Parliament".

Newly-elected MPs must disclose any relevant financial interests from the year prior to their election.

In total, 498 MPs reported donations they received. Labour MPs received the highest amount, totalling £9.3 million, followed by the Liberal Democrats with £3.2 million, and the Conservatives with £1.7 million.