REVISED plans for nearly 50 homes in a growing Somerset village have been put forward by a housing association.

Greatworth Property Managers Ltd. and Hortons Estate Developments Ltd. jointly secured outline planning permission in June 2020 – at the third time of asking – to build 49 homes on West Street on the edge of Templecombe.

The site has lain undeveloped for the last few years, with the site being sold to Magna Housing and the legal agreements surrounding the outline plans not being signed off until August 2021, in part due to the ongoing phosphates crisis.

Magna has now put forward revised proposals to develop the site, with Somerset Council expected to make a decision early in the new year.

The site lies on the northern site of West Street, between the existing properties on the build-up edge of the village and a relatively new estate of five larger houses which secured planning permission in August 2021.

Access will be via a new junction halfway between these two points, with a new play area and community orchard being created near the entrance.

To address road safety concerns surrounding West Street, new pedestrian and cycling links will be provided to link the homes with the rest of the village.

Of the 49 homes planned for the site, 27 will be affordable – the equivalent of 55 per cent, far higher than the 35 per cent the council normally exists for major developments within the former South Somerset area.

Of these 27 homes, Magna intends for 19 to be offered at social rent and the remaining eight to be offered as shared ownership properties.

A spokesman for One50Studio (representing Magna) said: “Our design process has developed a highly sustainable development that creates 49 homes, providing 55 per cent affordable units with a range of housing
to meet local need.

“The development uses the resources of the site wisely, and provides greater access for new residents and existing neighbours to an informal play space, community orchard and other open spaces with footpaths.

“It also promotes sustainable connections to the centre of Templecombe and facilitates low-carbon travel options through electric vehicle charging, cycle provision and accessible walking options.

“The development optimises solar orientation to maximise the use of photovoltaic panels, minimise overheating and prioritise gardens with an
open aspect to the south-west and south-east.”

Templecombe has seen significant interest from housing developments in the last few years, with Gleeson Strategic Land Ltd. securing outline permission for up to 140 homes just down the road in November 2023.

A further 18 homes will be created on the former Knights Templar Court nursing home on Throop Road – not far from the village’s railway station – following a successful appeal to the Planning Inspectorate.

Somerset Council is expected to make a decision on the proposals in early-2025.