A NORTON Fitzwarren woman threatened to kill a man, slept outside his home and bombarded him with text messages, a court has heard.

Sally Collett, 48, of Port Stanley Close, has been barred from going within a specified area around her victim's home.

She was released on bail when she pleaded guilty to two charges during an appearance at Taunton Magistrates' Court.

The court heard she was in possession of an offensive weapon, a Stanley knife, in a public place outside Aaron Thompson's flat in the London borough of Hackney on August 11.

Collett also admitted harassment, causing Mr Thompson to fear violence would be used against him.

Magistrates were told she attended his flat with the Stanley knife, threatened to kill him, slept outside his address, left voicemails, posted notes through his door and texted him constantly.

She was released on conditional bail to allow a pre-sentence report to be prepared ahead of her next court appearance for sentencing on October 24.

She was made the subject of a 5pm to midnight curfew at her address in Norton Fitzwarren, where she must live and sleep; banned from entering the area bounded by the M25; and to wear an electronic tag.