THE dedicated staff and volunteers at St Giles Animal Welfare Centre do their utmost to make the kennel environment for the animals in their care a good experience. 

But like humans, dogs and cats have personalities that differ; some are anxious, tense and fearful and find the environment stressful, despite the abundance of love and care received.

These nervous animals would benefit from a foster home.

Could you become a fosterer and  make a real difference by opening your home to an anxious dog or cat whilst their forever homes are being sought? Either short term or long term.

Foster care is a vital part of the rehabilitation process for those who cannot cope with the kennel environment. This one to one care facilitates confidence and socialisation and normality at a very troubled time in their lives.

You will be supported by St Giles, expenses will be covered, and you will be given everything you need whilst playing a huge role in the animal’s journey towards its new life.

Fostering an animal in need is such an important stepping stone on the  path to normality.

If you think you can fulfil this important role and can provide a calm and stable temporary home, please look at the website for more information and an application form.

This week, Dottie is in need of her forever home.

The very pretty, sweet and gentle Dottie is looking for a new home.

Sadly, Dottie’s owner passed away recently, hence her being at St Giles. It was so sad for her and although she loves the staff at the centre she would love to find her forever home to fill the emptiness left by her previous owner’s death.

Dottie is a small, domestic shorthair cat, two years and three months old. She is very sociable, loves to play and adores attention.

She could live with children of 12-plus, pending suitable meet and greets at the centre. It is thought that she could also live with another cat.

Could you be that special person to give her the loving  home she deserves after such sadness?

Please visit download an application form.