OVER 15,500 people have signed a petition to change a stretch of the A361 which has seen two fatalities in the past year.

Originally started up in August by someone who lives in East Lyng, the petition describes "near misses occurring daily" and that people in the area "live in constant fear of accidents and the safety of loved ones" because of the A361.

After getting over 10,000 signatures, there is now increased pressure on local government to look into changing the speed limit to 30mph on the main road on the A361.

The petition starter has called for action and believes something should be done. To view the petition, click here.

The petition starter said: "We people in East Lyng, Taunton, UK, call on the local government to take immediate action in extending the 30MPH limit to Staggs Farm.

"This is a measure recommended for areas with a history of multiple accidents.

"Preserve our family's safety, protect our community, and let our roads be safe passages, not death traps."