AN ADVICE against bathing in the River Tone in Taunton French Weir Park has been lifted by the Environment Agency today (Friday, September 13).

The advice was issued on Friday, September 6 after reports of oil or fuel spill.

A Taunton Town Council spokesperson said: “Today the Environment Agency have lifted their advice against swimming in the River Tone in French Weir.

“This follows advice against bathing issued previously, when an oil spill was reported.

“We are seeking further clarification of whether the source has been identified.”

Last week, when the advice against bathing was issued, a spokesperson for the Environment Agency said: “Following reports of potential oil or fuel pollution, we have issued advice against bathing at the River Tone at French Weir Park, Taunton.

“We have deployed oil booms across a smaller tributary to the main river and our investigations are ongoing.

“We will continue to monitor the situation closely over the weekend.

“For the latest updates on the status of bathing water quality, check SWIMFO.

“Members of the public can report pollution incidents to us on our free 24-hour Incident Hotline, 0800 807060.”

Today (September 13) an EA spokesperson said: “Our work continues to identify the source of this pollution and take appropriate action to prevent any further oil entering the bathing water.

"Booms remain in place for the time being to capture any oil still entering upstream but it is an improving picture with oil downstream now dispersed.

“The advice against swimming was lifted this morning (13 Sep). But we remind anyone interested in swimming to always check Swimfo first to see if there is any pollution risk forecast in place.”

Back in May, the River Tone in French Weir achieved bathing site status.

This means the EA The immediately started monitoring the water quality to display the results and aid peoples' decision on whether or not to swim.