A YEOVIL man who was caught red-handed shoplifting from a corner shop told police he stole because he was saving his own money to buy alcohol.

Edouard Kamara was stopped by a PCSO walking out of the Co-op store in Yeovil with a bag of items that he had helped himself to. When asked if he had paid for them he said he had, but eventually confessed he had stolen them.

During interview he said he had made the decision to steal on impulse while inside the shop adding that he wanted to use his own money to buy alcohol instead.

Kamara, 38, of Swallowcliffe Gardens, pleaded guilty to the theft of items worth £74.77 from the Co-op in St Michaels Avenue on June 23 when he was brought before Somerset Magistrates in custody.

Giles Tippett, prosecuting, said the defendant was observed filling up a bag with various items from the shelves and then went to the door to leave.

“He was stopped by a PCSO who was present and asked if he had paid for the items and initially said yes but staff inside told the officer he had not,” he said.

“When Kamara was interviewed by police he confirmed he had taken the items in the bag and said he made the decision after going into the store as he wanted to use his money to buy alcohol.”

Defending, Louise Eaves said Kamara was an Algerian national with Romanian connections and helped to support his nephew through his job working at a cardboard factory.

However she added that he had now lost his job and was currently unemployed.

The magistrates fined the defendant £40 with £85 costs and a £16 victim surcharge.