A WALKER couldn't believe his eyes when he spotted a pipe leaking what he believed to be "vile and toxic raw sewage" into the Bratton Stream, near Minehead.

Mike Raffone, from Minehead, was crossing over the Bratton Stream in the woods leading to Bratton when he saw the unsightly liquid seeping into the river on Monday, September 16.

He told the Gazette: "I filmed myself throwing a stone into it and I'd bet a pound to a penny it's raw sewage. I've got a feeling it's from a sceptic tank dispersal. I can categorically state that it is not rust."

Mike posted to Facebook: "Went through Bratton Walk this afternoon, walked through the woods that lead to Bratton, got to the wee concrete footbridge and noticed this effluent seeping out of a pipe on the right that flows into the Bratton Stream. The Environment Agency has been informed.

"Bratton Stream runs through Bratton Walk, Woodcoombe Walk and The Parks Walk. Keep your kids and pets out of the stream.

"I don't know how long this has been tainting the stream, but last week my Dog had a raving dose of the two-bob-bits and this might've been the cause."

He added: "The pipe looks like a storm drain run-off, I see a few dotted along the length of the stream and I'd imagine they're used to disperse excess rainwater from the roads.

"Does anyone know if Bratton is connected to the main sewage system or if the properties' waste is collected individually in septic tanks? I might add that during last week's heavy rainfalls Bratton Stream was running high, fast and dark brown through The Parks Walk."

The walker, who couldn't smell anything due to a cold, told the Gazette: "It took a while for it to sink in, you keep questioning what's in front of you and not believing your eyes. I had to put my glasses on to confirm it."

A spokesperson for the Environment Agency said: “We have received a report of potential pollution in Bratton Wood. However, we believe that this could be soil runoff since there have been previous occasions when soil has runoff in this location.

"If we receive substantive evidence of pollution to land or the watercourse, our officers will investigate further. If anyone spots a possible pollution incident, they can report it to us 24/7 on 0800 80 70 60."

Wessex Water said they weren't aware of any issues on their sewerage network in the area and believed it could be a "private pipe". The Somerset Rivers Authority has been contacted for comment.

One local commented: "One hopes it is not effluent as the stream exits into the sea at Minehead Beach."

While another added: "What will be done about it? Precisely nothing, I predict but hope I'm wrong."