A new youth drumming project has arrived in Taunton.

Beats on the Streets, led by Sean O’Hara and professional drummers Emma Holbrook and Jo Meikle, invites under-18s to join in.

It aims to create energetic drumming groups in the Taunton area.

Participants will explore various musical styles, including hip hop, samba, rock, and dohl, and create their own unique sound.

The project is not only about playing music but also about forming a community and learning new skills.

Taunton town councillor Caroline Ellis said: "Sound of the Streets has a brilliant track record in inspiring and empowering young people to create amazing street music.

"Street drumming is one of the most accessible and joyous ways to express yourself.

"This project is a fantastic opportunity for young people to learn a new skill, hone their creative talents, build confidence and be a part of an exciting street music movement."

It is run by charity Sound of the Streets and funded by Make Music Repeat, run by Actiontrack and Taunton Town Council.

Sessions will be held at the Arts Hub at 12 noon on October 6, 13, 20 and 27, as well as November 3, 10, 17, 24.