NESCAFE Dolce Gusto has apologised to fans after revealing two of its pod flavours have been discontinued.

The coffee brand has an array of pod flavours including everything from the standard Cappuccino, Flat White and Espresso to the more extravagant Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte and Kit Kat Hot Chocolate.

Several big-name brands have discontinued products in 2024 including the likes of Walkers Crips, Heinz, Coca-Cola and even supermarket giant Aldi.

Walkers revealed earlier this year it had stopped making Marmite-flavoured crisps.

This came after the likes of Salt and Vinegar Quavers, Worcester sauce flavour and Max Strong Hotsauce Blaze crisps were axed from its range at the back end of 2023.

Aldi confirmed recently its Village Bakery Seeded Medium Sliced Loaf had been discontinued in what shoppers labelled "sad news".

Earlier this month, Heinz told customers its Organic Baked Beanz had been discontinued, despite some fans labelling them the "best on the market".

Coca-Cola apologised recently after confirming its Cherry Vanilla and Diet Coke with Splenda products had both been discontinued. 

Nescafe Dolce Gusto confirms discontinuation of two pod flavours

Now Nescafe Dolce Gusto - which is a brand that falls under the Nestle banner - has revealed that two of its pod flavours have been discontinued.

The Nestle brand confirmed via social media that Coconut and Oat Flat White pods had both been axed from its range.

Nescafe Dolce Gusto has discontinued is Coconut and Oat Flat White pods.Nescafe Dolce Gusto has discontinued its Coconut and Oat Flat White pods. (Image: Amazon/Getty Images) Fans took to X (formerly Twitter) recently to ask Nescafe Dolce Gusto why they weren't able to find the two pod flavours anywhere.

One fan posted: "@DolceGustoUK have you discontinued your non dairy flat whites? Cant see coconut anywhere now?"

While another, asking about the Oat Flat White pods, said: "The oat one has been out of stock for ages as well.

"I buy a lot at once and nearly out as they have been out of stock for so long. Can you please let me know a rough estimate of when they will be in stock."

A Nescafe Dolce Gusto spokesperson replied to the posts, sharing the bad news that both the pod flavours had been discontinued.


Responding to the first post, Nescafe Dolce Gusto said: "It wasn't as popular as others in the range, so we have had to discontinue it. We'll make sure to let the team know you're missing it."

While to the second, the spokesperson commented: "We're very sorry to say that our Oat Flat White Capsules have been discontinued and removed from the webshop.

"We'll be sure to let our team know you're missing them and would like to see them back!"