A talented young artist from Monkton Wood Academy has beaten thousands of other students to win the Cabot Learning Federation Artist of the Year competition.

Year 9 student Elsie Ryder's line drawing, a unique blend of an everyday scene and famous artwork, impressed audiences and secured her the top spot through an online vote.

Her work was displayed in an online gallery alongside art created by students from other CLF schools between Gloucestershire and Somerset.

Ms Ryder said: "This is an amazing surprise.

"I am very passionate about art and have worked so hard on this piece.

"I am absolutely thrilled to receive this award."

Created as part of her Key Stage 3 art lessons, the piece took her around 10 hours to complete.

She drew inspiration from the self-taught landscape and portrait artist, Ben Hughes.

Ms Ryder's passion for art is set to continue, as she has now chosen to pursue the subject at GCSE level.

This initiative was created to showcase the artwork being produced across the federation.

All academies had the opportunity to put forward their own Artist of the Year, with finalists' work displayed digitally in an online exhibition.

CLF staff, students, and the wider community were invited to visit the virtual gallery and vote for their winner.

The gallery earned 14,000 views and 1,250 votes were cast.

In recognition of Ms Ryder's achievement, she was presented with a personalised leather art roll by Steve Taylor, CEO of the Cabot Learning Federation.