Wells Carnival is looking for volunteers to collect from spectators with their buckets on September 15, and assist with the count.

Treasurer Tony Frazier said: "We need to significantly increase our income.

"The collection remains fairly static, but costs increase each year."

"We welcome any organisations or individuals who would like to take part for the fun of it, in the knowledge that they are helping to preserve the hidden secret of Somerset, our wonderful carnivals.

"We pay 40 per cent of the amount collected by their organisation, and if they help with the count it's £3 per hour."

To help, email tonyelaine1@sky.com.

Nigel Clarke, the assistant chief marshal, is also appealing for volunteer marshals on the carnival route: "Training will be provided and volunteers will need to be available from 4.30pm until about 11pm.

"They will work in teams in given sections with a lead marshal who has radio contact with our control.

"The main job is to keep the public safe and back from the procession.

"I am also after someone to man our command centre, ideally someone with radio comms experience and the ability to think on their feet if a situation arises."

To help, email clarkedesign@aol.com.