WHAT’S wrong with people?

Taunton is a lovely place to live, but there’s a few people who don’t give a - well, you’ll see what as you read on.

It’s a disgraceful tale of unacceptable behaviour over three different days this month.

WARNING: It’s probably best to put this down and pick it up later if you’re trying to read it over your corn flakes.

Early one Sunday morning, I was walking along Station Road.

The first sign something was up came when I chanced upon a pint glass half full of beer in a shop doorway.

Then 50 metres down the road, I swerved to avoid trampling in a mountain of vomit most likely deposited on the pavement by someone staggering home from the pub the previous night.

The evidence led me to believe they’d tucked into a helping of cottage pie and chips before painting the town red.

There had been a brief hiatus from the pukenami before a further 20 metres on I spotted further contents of the culprit’s stomach.

Then after another 30 metres, there was a smaller chunder and nearby the result of a fourth and final throw up.

A Monday morning in Lyngford Park, there were soft drinks cans, food wrappers and general rubbish littering the ground around the shelter - all within a mere 50 metres of four waste bins, none of which was full.

It wouldn’t have required much effort to leave the items in one of those bins.

The worst was saved for a Tuesday morning - a stream of dog poo along the bottom section of Cheddon Road.

One poor soul - or perhaps sole - had stepped in the mess, leaving a trail of mucky footprints.

While it’s all pretty bleak, there are some positives that come out of the negatives.

The piles of sick had been cleared by the time I returned along Station Road later in the day.

I have seen a resident armed with a bucket of water washing away dog mess from outside their and their neighbours' homes.

And a community-spirited couple in the street where I live venture out every Sunday morning to collect rubbish left at the side of our road.

But the point is, they shouldn’t have to.