A new award scheme has recognised seven projects for their outstanding cycling provision.

The Taunton Area Cycling Campaign (TACC) initiative, launched earlier this year, aims to recognise and encourage good cycle provision.

The winning projects and schemes were announced to coincide with European Mobility Week.

The organisers said they reflect a good range of hard infrastructure schemes and soft enabling projects.

On Your Bike was honoured for its free public Dr Bike sessions (Image: Taunton Area Cycling Campaign) One of the organisers, Marion Nieuwenhuizen, said: "It is great to see good schemes to enable more cycling, from the private and public sectors, social enterprises, and voluntary groups.

"We hope that others in similar sectors will take inspiration from it and that we will be able to recognise more projects in future years."

The gold award winners are On Your Bike, Eat Festivals, Lyngford Park Surgery, and Kingston Area Pedestrian and Cycle Campaign.

On Your Bike was recognised for its range of valuable services to cycling, including free public Dr Bike sessions.

Eat Festivals was awarded for its promotion and services to cycling.

Lyngford Park Surgery was commended for its provision of covered cycle parking close to the visitor access, while Kingston Area Pedestrian and Cycle Campaign was praised for the planning, promotion, and safe running of the popular Kingston St Mary Family Fun Bike Ride.

The silver award winners are Musgrove Hospital, Somerset Council, and Aldi.

Aldi was awarded for its provision of covered parking close to the customer access with access path, Chip Lane, while Somerset Council was recognised for the cycle pedestrian crossing on Upper High Street, along with the High Street 'Pedestrian and Cycle Zone'.

Musgrove Hospital was commended for its provision of covered cycle parking spaces across the site.

Award certificates will be presented during late September and October.

If you would like to nominate a project for a TACC award, email tauntonareacyclingcampaign@gmail.com with the project name, type, location, and reasons for nominating it.