ALMOST 20 years ago, it was announced that the Wellington Carnival was cancelled due to "unforeseen circumstances."

A gas leak was reported along the route of the carnival with people informed that it would be cancelled on September 25, 2005.

At 7.20pm, spectators at the carnival smelt gas near the Total service station on Mantle Street.

Transco gas company were called to the scene prior to the decision at 9pm to call off the event for the health and safety of participants.

It was felt that heat from the carnival floats could cause an explosion. 

This year, the Wellington Carnival begins on Saturday, September 28, with proceedings ongoing from 7.30pm to 10.30pm.

Speaking ahead of this year's carnival, a member from the carnival committee said: “If you are considering where to watch the parade, the quietest part of the route is from the Youth Centre to the bottom of Champford Lane.

“We hope you enjoy the entertainment, and please give generously to the collection – either into the official collecting buckets or the collecting trailers.

“If you want to buy food from one of the catering units in town, make sure they have an Authorised Catering Sign as these are the only ones authorised to trade at our Carnival.

“And, finally, enjoy the night – eat drink and be merry, but please take your rubbish home or plastic glasses back into the pub they came from. Thank you.”