TWO former Taunton Academy caretakers have been handed prison sentences for "despicable abuse of a highly vulnerable girl".

Martin Reading, 73, of Wedlands, Taunton, was given a 24-year prison sentence, and Keith Bunce, 65, of Summerland Road, Minehead, was given a 28-year prison sentence for “an extensive campaign of rape” and sexual assaults.

The sentencing at Bristol Crown Court, on September 25, heard how Reading's abuse of the teenager took place over a 10-year period, with Reading using “social isolation” to groom her as “assaults became more and more serious”.

Bunce's abuse of the victim took place over seven months. The court heard how he had “exploited her trust for his own sexual gratification”, including “degrading and humiliating conduct”.

The former employees at Taunton Academy, which has since been renamed Pyrland School, were found guilty of a total of 41 counts by a jury, following a 19-day trial at Bristol Crown Court in July.

Reading was found guilty of 22 counts; consisting of 3 counts of rape, 5 counts of assault by penetration, and 14 counts of sexual assault.

Bunce was found guilty of 19 counts; consisting of 2 counts of rape, 13 counts of assault by penetration, 3 counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm, and 1 count of sexual assault.

In His Honour Judge Lambert's sentencing remarks, he said the case had “some of the most vile abuse I've seen in a long career as a Judge.”