The Shepton Snowdrop Festival's 2025 photography and poetry competitions are set to open soon.

The theme, Treasures of Nature, invites participants to explore the plant kingdom, landscapes, and geology.

The festival organisers anticipate an even stronger response than last year, which saw submissions from 43 countries for the poetry competition and 28 countries for the photography competition.

The 11 and under winner: Nature doesn’t let the tree down, even if the roots move up - Naomi Cech, FranceThe 11 and under winner: Nature doesn’t let the tree down, even if the roots move up - Naomi Cech, France (Image: Naomi Cech)

Both competitions open on October 3, National Poetry Day, and are open to all ages.

There are three age categories, each with a cash prize for the winner: £300 for ages 18 and over, £100 for ages 12-17, and £50 for ages 11 and under.

Jason Ingram, a consistent finalist or winner of the Garden Media Guild Photographer of the Year Award since 2013, will judge the photography competition.

He said: "With patient and focused observation through the lens of a camera, you can capture nature's treasures - be they hidden, rare or in plain sight."

The18 and over winner: Glowworm Tunnel – Keith Horton, AustraliaThe 18 and over winner: Glowworm Tunnel – Keith Horton, Australia (Image: Keith Horton)

Wendy Pratt, poet and author, will judge the poetry competition.

She said: "Think outside the box, use your creativity to bring the background to the fore, to make the usual unusual."

The poetry competition closes on January 6, 2025, and the photography competition closes on January 20, 2025.

For entry details, visit the festival's website.