A BRIDGWATER man caught drug driving told a court that he had taken ecstasy during a party two days earlier and had no idea it would still be in his system.

Jack Francis Roper, 24, was driving through Somerton when the police were alerted to his vehicle which appeared to be uninsured.

When they stopped the defendant, they asked him to take a drugs swipe which he failed and was then arrested.

Roper, of Myrtle Close, appeared in the dock before District Judge Angela Brereton at Yeovil where he admitted driving while above the limit for MDMA.

Prosecutor Ben Winzer said the offence occurred on April 1 when the police stopped a BMW being driven by the defendant on Behind Berry.

He was given a drugs test at the roadside which revealed a reading of 18mcg of MDMA which was 8mcg over the limit.

Defending himself, Roper said that he went to a party on the Saturday night and consumed some MDMA.

“I went driving on the Monday and had no idea the substance was still in my body,” he said.

“I have just got myself a job, however it involves driving so I will probably lose it now.”

The district judge told Roper he “wasn’t the first and wouldn’t be the last” to make the same mistake about drugs still being in their system.

She said: “You have never been in trouble before and have your own personal health difficulties and it is to your credit you are now getting help.”

She disqualified him from driving for 12 months and fined him £120 with a £48 victim surcharge and £40 towards costs.