Theatre company People Show will bring their latest production, The Diviners, to Taunton this weekend.

Initially starting out in a bookshop basement in 1966, the company is known for its unique approach to theatre, creating shows based on ideas, stories, world events, and experiments in staging and music.

The Diviners revolves around four broken AI entities, The Diviners, who are trying to make sense of the world without the correct data.

They explore a "nether world" existing between the lines of stories and through lost harmonics of music.

People Show said: "An electrifying and strangely topical story, People Show 145: The Diviners plays out in an imaginary world not so far from our own.

"Powerfully visual, a colourful cuboid trap defines the parameters of the action with hot spots calling the shots and flickering projections giving clues.

"Each character is colour coded - cyan, magenta, yellow or black.

"Blankets of the same shades play their part, sometimes being thrown over a character to shut them down, like a parrot."

The show is written and performed by Gareth Brierley, Sadie Cook, and Fiona Creese in person, and George Khan virtually.

Each night, they will be joined by a secret guest artist from the extended People Show family.

The Diviners was first performed in October 2023 at The Golden Goose Theatre, London, and was met with positive reviews.

It will also tour internationally to Toplocentrala in Sofia, marking the company's first visit to Bulgaria.

The Salterton Arts Review described it as "witty, touching, and thought-provoking," while Jeremy Swift called it a "knockout show."

After its successful run, it is now heading to Taunton Brewhouse on Saturday, September 28.

Tickets will cost between £14 and £17 per person, with the 60-minute show due to start at 7.45pm.

For more information, and to buy tickets to the Taunton show, visit the Taunton Brewhouse website: