A WINCANTON woman who became involved in a vicious drunken brawl in the town centre, attacking four people including two police officers has appeared in court.

Hanna Dluzynska clawed a pub landlady’s face leaving her covered in scratches and then spat, bit and punched her former workmate who had gone to her defence.

When the police were called officers tried to restrain her, but she lashed out and spat at both of them leaving spittle inside one of their mouths.

Somerset Magistrates heard that the violent incident took place outside Uncle Tom’s Cabin in the High Street after the defendant was asked to leave because she was drunk.

And when she was arrested and taken into custody she told police she was so intoxicated that she had little recollection of what happened.

Dluzynska, 35, of Peach Pie Street, pleaded guilty to assaulting Andrew Gardener and Claire Moore by beating them on March 2 this year. She also admitted two common assaults on the police officers.

Prosecutor Giles Tippett said that the landlady Claire Moore was in her pub, Uncle Tom’s Cabin in Wincanton when she saw the defendant and her partner.

Dluzynska was extremely drunk and was asked to leave with her partner and when they left, a loud smashing noise was heard and Ms Moore discovered a window at her premises had been smashed.

“She went outside and when she refused them to come back inside Dluzynska became aggressive and was told the police were on their way,” he said.

“She then lunged towards Miss Moore using her right hand in a clawing motion with splayed fingers making contact with her face and leaving scratches and scrapes from her sharp nails.”

Meanwhile a former work colleague of the defendant, Andrew Gardener, was at the pub and tried to calm her down and prevent her from lashing out as she had become hysterical.

“Dluzynska then turned and spat directly at him leaving him with spittle on his face and then bit him on the left forearm causing pain,” said Mr Tippett.

“He pushed her off and she fell to the floor, then got back up and punched his neck and shoulder.”

When the police arrived she attempted to scratch one of the officers in his face and spat at him. She approached him again and spat all over his face and then tried to kick him, making contact with his right leg.

Another officer attended and handcuffed Dluzynska, and when she was put into a police car she became verbally abusive then grabbed the officer by the arm spitting in her face which landed inside her mouth.

Defending solicitor Sam Morton said the defendant had bought a lot of drinks during the evening and her behaviour was “out of character.”

“When interviewed the next day she accepted responsibility for the offences but had little recollection of what happened,” he said.

“She is clearly embarrassed and shocked by what she has done and is very apologetic to all those involved.

“She has not drunk anything since then and has seen the link between drinking to excess and getting into trouble.”

The magistrates sentenced Dluzynska to a 12-month community order with an alcohol monitoring programme for 120 days and fitted with an electronic tag.

She was also ordered to pay £250 compensation to each of the police officers, £200 to Andrew Gardener and £100 to Claire Moore along with £85 costs and a £114 victim surcharge.