Anna Sabine, MP for Frome and East Somerset, has backed a new bill that helps the UK meet international climate and nature targets.

The Climate and Nature (CAN) Bill, if passed, would update the UK's climate and environmental legislation.

It aligns with commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reverse nature loss by 2030.

The UK has previously committed to these measures to help limit global heating to 1.5°C and meet the targets of undoing nature loss in the next six years.

It has attracted support from Chris Packham, Deborah Meaden, and former net zero tsar Chris Skidmore.

Introduced by Lib Dem MP Roz Savage, the bill aims to put the UK back on track.

Ms Sabine said: "I’m really excited to support my brilliant colleague Roz as she has been able to bring forward such an ambitious piece of legislation.

"I am hopeful there will be wide cross-party support because it is such an important subject for all of us, especially in rural communities such as Frome and East Somerset.

"I am proud to support Roz in bringing the UK in line with our international climate obligations and will be doing everything I can to help bring this legislation across the line."