SOMERSET households have been warned by experts this winter, with an increased global rise in a bacterial disease - which is a type of pneumonia.

Amid rising concern about the globally increasing risk of Legionella, leading Legionella rapid testing expert Hydrosense is reminding Brits that – despite a common notion that Legionnaires’ disease is only a summertime worry – it can, in fact, occur in any season.

Legionnaires’ disease is a potentially fatal lung infection caused by inhaling droplets of water containing Legionella bacteria.

It can be found in a range of man-made water systems including taps, showers, air conditioning units, spa pools and hot tubs.

By current estimates there are between 4,000-6,000 cases of Legionnaires’ disease in the UK each year, killing between 7-12% of all those infected.

In light of this, Hydrosense experts are keen to remind British consumers that though summer may provide an ideal breeding ground for Legionella bacteria – which grows best in water between 20-45°C –  it is still very much a very real and present risk all year long.

Greg Rankin, CEO at Hydrosense comments: “When we think about Legionella, many of us automatically associate it with the warmer months.

"But the reality is that Legionella is far from just a summer problem.

"The fact is, winter can present just as much of a threat, especially in buildings that have experienced extensive periods of inactivity during the summer months, like schools, universities, office buildings and even some hotel rooms given 32% of them are left unoccupied.

"At the same time, seasonal temperature fluctuations which continue to become more unpredictable create ideal conditions for Legionella bacteria growth.”

According to bacterial experts, about one out of every ten people who get sick with Legionnaires' disease will die due to complications from their illness. 

Seven in eight survivors of Legionnaires’ disease will suffer long-term quality of life impacts including fatigue, neurologic and neuromuscular symptoms, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Greg adds: “The statistics show that the scale and severity of Legionella cases happening in the UK and Europe is increasing at concerning levels.

"We would urge any British consumers to take extra care when travelling, staying in a hotel or visiting a spa facility, particularly in countries that do not have the same water safety legislation as we do at home.

"As we see it, every Legionella test taken is an opportunity to detect, protect and ultimately safeguard amid what is unfortunately becoming an increasing health concern – all year round.

"For an extra level of reassurance, a simple rapid Legionella testing kit can provide peace of mind and ensure a safer stay.”