TAUNTON Independent Quarter is leading a community fund project to add two more murals that will “add more art, colour, and interest” to the area.

The first of three artworks, on the side of My Carbon Coach on Lower Middle Street, was completed by artist Sam Gaden from Aerosol Art as part of the project.

The group is now fundraising to add two more murals - one at Nicky’s Flower Studio, due to start in mid-November, and one outside Howard’s Fish & Chips shop, which could be completed in early spring next year.

The eye-catching mural was designed and created by street Artist Sam Gaden from Aerosol Art and can be found on the side of ‘My Carbon Coach’ on Lower Middle Street.

The first mural features a colourful, happy garden scene with wildflowers, insects and a bright blue sky.

It acts as an immediate pop of colour on the street and has stopped people in their tracks to admire and smile.

Organiser, Taunton Independent Quarter promoter and owner of Rocket and Bird Susie Thomas had the idea for the project and said: “I’ve wanted to add Sam’s work to the area for years but it’s only in the past 6 months that the idea has become a reality and the right walls have been found and permission given from the owners.

“Taunton Independent Quarter is a wonderful part of Taunton and is home to over 50+ small independent shops and businesses.

“Despite this the area does often get overlooked as it’s off the main shopping streets.

“This project aims to bring some attention to the area, add some interest to otherwise blank walls and hopefully help people discover just how much we have available here whilst enjoying the new art.

”The more street art we can add to Taunton the better, creating a memorable feature for the Town’s visitors and adding interest to the Town for our residents, over all making the Town more attractive and inviting- benefitting our local shops and businesses.”

“The project is being funded by the community with local businesses and members of the public giving generously via direct donations and a ‘Go Fund Me’ page, which has been set up to collect money. “The total amount needed for all three murals is £6.5k with over half of that amount being raised already.”

Last week local musician Lianne Vessier took to the streets of Taunton to busk for the cause.

Other local businesses are running raffles and displaying posters.

Taunton businesses Albert Goodman, World of Bears, Imperial Hearing, La Belle Boudoir, Alpha Clothing, Imprints, Merchant Menswear, Jane Armour Trading, Activate Fitness Gym and Howard’s have all given very generously towards the project.

Susie also added: “I would like to give a huge thank you to everyone who has supported this idea and given money towards the project.

“Without the donations from members of the public and local businesses we wouldn’t be able to make this happen.

“We do still need more to make the third mural happen early next year so if you can donate, please do.

“We’re looking forward to seeing work start on the next mural very soon.”

If you’d like to donate you can donate cash directly to Susie at Rocket and Bird, scan the fundraising QR code or visit https://www.gofundme.com/f/taunton-street-art-in-tiq