Stawley Primary School in Wellington wants to demolish and rebuild three of its classrooms, which have been considered 'end of life.'

Document 35/24/0005 seeks permission to demolish the current building a build a new 'single-storey, two-classroom building which includes relocating a canopy structure and associated external works.

The applicant says that the school in Appley Cross, Wellington is a rural school managed and owned by Somerset Council and is one of the top-performing primary schools in Somerset.

This application featured on the weekly Somerset Council roundup last week. See all the other applications. Read more: Somerset Council planning application roundup for October 11.

The current school layout is made up of a cluster of temporary buildings with a series of covered areas and canopies used as teaching spaces.

The Design and Access Statement says that 'these temporary buildings have exceeded their design life, are in poor condition and the existing fabric has a very low thermal performance.'

The hall that was built in 2016, will remain and be incorporated into the new school layout.

The application went on to say: "LED Architects have worked closely with Somerset Council and the School to ensure the layout reflects their requirements, providing a building that secures the school’s long term future and which will benefit the community and surrounding area."

The proposal is to construct a new two class primary school and to demolish the existing school building under a phased construction, allowing the school to remain in operation throughout this process

The school is also future-proofing, by factoring in space to build a third classroom in the future, if the school needs extra space.

The school will remain open throughout the work.

The application adds: "The proposed layout ‘wraps’ around the existing hall building with the two new classrooms located on the western side facing towards the playing field . This orientation avoids classrooms overlooking any neighbouring properties."

The plans were submitted last week, and will be reviewed by officers, before a decision to approve or refuse the scheme will be made.

Use the reference number to read the full plans, and comment on them on the Somerset Council planning page.