TAUNTON’S YMCA will be welcoming a host of young people to the club with the start of two new youth groups.

The sessions, run by community youth work co-ordinator Claire Smy and a team of volunteers, are aimed at eight-12 year olds and 13-19 year olds.

Groups cost £1 a week and youngsters will be offered the chance to take part in activities aimed at helping with confidence building, teamwork, health and fitness, dealing with personal issues and relationships and learning new skills. Activities will include sports and games, arts and crafts and outdoor pursuits as well as opportunities to enter local and national competitions and attend workshops.

The groups will start from September 18 and run every Thursday from 7-9pm for 13-19 year olds, and Friday from 6.30-8.30pm for the eight-12 group.

Sessions already planned for this autumn include planning a wildlife garden, basic first aid, a treasure hunt and photography skills. For more information email ymcayouthtaunton@yahoo.co.uk for more information.