I AM often asked about the Somerset Branch of the Normandy Veterans Association and what has happened to its membership.

The Branch was wound up some years ago and it was considered at the time that the closure was due to advancing years, sickness, and the inevitable decline in membership.

There is. Of course, the fact that many veterans came from distant parts of the Country and had increasing difficulties in travelling to Taunton.

Membership of the Branch was exclusive to those who had served in the Normandy landings, not only the soldiers who fought their was ashore, but also their comrades in the Royal Navy and the Merchant Marine.

There was a time when Normandy Veterans marched proudly through the town centre. Wearing their blazers and berets, their medals – proudly polished for the occasions – they were indeed an impressive sight.

Sadly, many of these veterans are no longer with us, but some of us, anxious and fit enough to stay as Normandy Veterans, joined the Exeter Branch, where we were made welcome and very warmly received.

We are now informed that the Exeter Branch is planning to close and in fact there is the likelihood of the Normandy Veterans Association closing nationally after the 65th Commemoration in June 2009.

Those of us who can are planning to travel to Arromanches in Normandy for this final Commemoration Ceremony and we look to the Government or the National Lottery to help with the costs.

Let us hope they will and that those of us with old mates lying among the 4,000 in the Bayeux War Graves Cemetery will receive some help.

T.E. MATTOCKS, Dellers Court, Taunton