HEALTH advisors in South Somerset are reminding the district's old and vulnerable residents to keep warm and stay well as temperatures are forecasted to plummet across the UK this week.

South Somerset Primary Care Trust's public health director, Paul Harwood, said: "Looking after your health is vital in the cold weather. If you keep active and eat well, your body will be much better equipped to fight the freeze.

"Every winter many thousands of elderly people become ill or are admitted to hospital with serious chest or heart conditions. These are often caused by older people failing to keep their homes warm and themselves healthy throughout the cold, damp winter months.

"By keeping warm, taking gentle exercise and eating at least one hot meal a day, you could ensure you stay fit and well this winter and reduce the risk of serious illness.

"We can also be good neighbours. If we know of elderly people living alone who might have difficulty in the cold weather, such as getting food from a local shop, why not ask if they would like some help."

Mr Harwood added: "Even removing ice or snow from steps or residential pathways can help reduce the risk of our older neighbours falling and seriously hurting themselves."

Top tips for older people to keep warm and well this winter:

Check your home heating is working properly and insulate you home: Fitting draught proofing around doors and windows may well pay for itself by saving you money on heating bills. If you are chronically sick or disabled, you can register as a Priority User with your electricity or gas supplier. Government advice about insulation and new central heating to vulnerable households is available by calling freephone 0800 952 0600.

Keep active: Staying active and taking gentle exercise reduces your risk of becoming ill.

Keep sufficient food in the house: Eat a varied diet that includes foods like bread, potatoes, pasta or rice. Fruit and vegetables contain vitamin C, which can help ward off any infections and illnesses.

Eat a hot meal every day: Try to eat at least one hot meal each day - even if it's just soup. Regular hot drinks help keep out the cold too.

Get A flu jab: If you are over 65 you can get a free flu jab from your GP. Other 'at risk' groups, such as people with asthma, heart disease or with lowered immunity also qualify. Contact your GP surgery if you haven't had your vaccination yet.

Be prepared: If there was a power cut make sure you have a torch and spare batteries; candles or matches, food that doesn't need cooking (like tinned meat, fish and fruit) and a list of useful telephone numbers to hand.

Age Concern Somerset produces a useful fact sheet with advice on keeping warm and healthy during the winter. To obtain a copy call 0800 00 99 66. While the Energy Efficiency Advice Centre has information on grants and how to cut fuel bills. Telephone free phone 0800 512 012.

Advice and information about keeping warm and well this winter is available from the NHS Winter Warmth Helpline on 0800 085 7000.

Health information and advice is available 24 hours a day by telephoning NHS Direct on 0845 46 47 and calls are charged at local rate.