One of the few remaining village characters in Mawnan Smith, Lilian Maud Rickard, who met General Montgomery, has died at her home aged 81.

Maud worked hard and was a very contented woman throughout her life, but in line with her character let it be known that she wanted "a proper funeral" for her last ride through a village that held so many memories for her.

Her final wish was dutifully carried out by her son David and daughter-in-law Maxine. Maud was taken to the funeral service on a horse-drawn bier where a large gathering of villagers had awaited the family mourners.

Her final job on any given day was to go to the village shops and catch up on the day's news before, as people would say, "she put the village to bed", something she did until her final day.

Not surprisingly, villagers turned out in force as a mark of respect to Maud as she, herself, was laid to rest - "put to bed in Mawnan Parish Church."