A GROUP of children at Constantine School have got together to produce the school's very first newspaper.

Mazama went on sale at the school last term and was the product of four weeks hard work by the young editorial team.

Headed by editor Tiffany Massey and deputy editor Sophie Law, the front page for this term's edition is the story of how two pupils, Adam Shore and Rosa Milan, visited Trebah Gardens dressed as wartime refugees for the launch of the D-Day memories appeal.

Inside are features, a pets page, quizzes, competitions, music, stories, news from the school and sport.

The name of the paper is a play on the word Amazon, as classes at the school are all named after rivers.

"The biggest challenge was getting the stories and choosing the name," said sports reporter Gareth Jones. "It took us ages to get the name."

The next issue of Mazama, produced by the children from Class Six, pictured above, is out at the end of this term.

The rest of the team includes reporters Grace Maguire, Lottie Grant, Adam Shore and Emma Harris and chief photographer Grant Gulland.