DISTINCTIVE cast iron road signs on the Quantocks are to be protected as part of a Somerset County Council historic project.

The signs, within the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, were originally put up in the early part of the last century.

Senior ranger Tim Russell said they are now considered "locally distinctive and visually important elements in the landscape".

Mr Russell added: "The main aim of this local heritage project is to preserve the historic junction and crossroad names by including a cast metal collar name onto significant signs in the Quantock area.

"The addition of 'Quantock Hills' and the buzzard logo beneath each junction name on each collar will create a unique feature to the signs and help visitors identify the area."

He said 20 signs will be stripped down, with rusty cores and metal fingers replaced, before being restored and repainted in traditional black and white.

"We have been involved with parish councils, local residents, the area highway managers, archaeologists, Friends of the Quantocks and volunteers," said Mr Russell.

"Much of the research for the project has now been done and the first set of name collars are now being made.

"The project has involved volunteers assisting with historic research and painting up the new name collars, arms and finials.

"Much of the heavy work and painting of the signpost columns is being carried out by Somerset Highways as a contribution towards a project which straddles three different highway area districts."