Tesco bosses are considering expanding their Taunton store over two floors and adding at least another storey to the car park.

The Wellington Road outlet, op-ened in October 2001, is now viewed as too small to cope with the volume of customers and traffic.

The upwards extensions, which have been informally put to Taunton Deane Council planners, are among possible improvements

under discussion at Tesco's head office.

The company hopes to make a final decision in the coming days before lodging a planning application at the Deane House.

Planning consultant Peter Edw-ards has unveiled possible proposals for more retail sales space with a caf and ancillary

accommodation on the first floor of the existing building.

The store, which is under "trading pressures", would be linked to a decked car park by an airport-style 'travelator'.

Mr Edwards told the County Gaz-ette: "The store trades very well and is under a lot of pressure, especially within the car park and sales

space itself.

"We're looking to expand if possible, but it's on quite a constrained site surrounded by watercourses.

"We're considering various opt-ions and are still working on plans at the moment. We're looking to finalise things in the New Year,

when we hope to be in a position to make an announcement."

He also said Tesco could consider scrapping plans for a petrol station on the former Taunton Youth and Community Centre and replace

it with car parking space.

An application for the filling station is lodged with Taunton Deane Council, although it will not be considered until the county council

decides whether to proceed with the Taunton inner relief road linking Wellington Road to Bridge Street.

Tesco's plans come hard on the heels of rival Asda being granted permission to expand its Creechbarrow Road store in Taunton.

Taunton Deane Council planning officer Tim Burton confirmed Tesco had indicated its intention to in-crease the size of the store.

"We received a letter from Tesco in response to the Asda application saying they recommended additional retail floor space should be l

located in the town centre rather than out of town," said Mr Burton.

"They felt Tesco is better related to the town centre and said they want to put some more floor space on.

He added; "Any application from Tesco will be treated properly on its merits."