Five local gig clubs were invited to join Flushing and Mylor to celebrate the end of Flushing Regatta Week.

Six gigs assembled on Kiln Quay Beach - probably for the first time ever - with the course was set from between Penarrow Point and Trefusis, up into Penryn River with a finish off Ferry Quay at Flushing to enable a spectacle for the village to watch.

Rowing on home water became an obvious advantage, as despite warnings at the coxes' meeting all five visiting gigs proceeded to race through the moorings and were subsequently disqualified with Pinnacle of Flushing and Mylor taking first place by default! The visitors learnt their lesson and all kept to the course in the following six races!

Under 12s, under 14s and under 16's all battled out in their individual races - with U12's being won by Penryn (albeit with three older crew members - but thanks to Penryn who enabled F&MPGC U12s to have their first race) and second place went to Flushing and Mylor.

U14's first place went to Helford with Flushing and Mylor coming second and in the U16's Flushing and Mylor came firstst with Penryn a close second.

The ladies race was closely contested with Penryn inching across the finish line in front of Flushing and Mylor, Truro third, Helford fourth and Falmouth fifth. In the men's Men race first across the line was Helford, followed by Penryn, Devoran, Truro, Flushing and Mylor and Falmouth.

The final race of the day was the mixed and first to finish was Penryn, followed by Helford, Flushing and Mylor , and Falmouth.

Overall Trophy for the day stayed on home ground and was presented to Flushing and Mylor Pilot Gig Club - who now have to build a trophy cabinet for their first three trophies!

It was agreed that next year's racing would start and finish at Kiln Quay with a course in Carrick Roads to enable spectators a better view and it was hoped that invites would be extended to all Carrick Road gig clubs only, thus keeping the event a typical village regatta funday.