Crowds of excited people lined Truro's streets on Saturday to witness the re-enactment of reading of the Trafalgar dispatch.

Fresh from his adventures in Falmouth on Thursday, Lieutenant Lapenotiere (played by actor Alex Price) read the dispatch announcing the death of Nelson at the battle of Trafalgar, just as he would have done 200 years ago.

After travelling through the streets in a custom-made traditional post-chaise carriage he arrived at Lemon Quay and was greeted by Lady Mary Holborrow - Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall - and town mayor Stuart Roden. He was accompanied by the Rum and Shrub Shantymen, a parade of sea cadets and a farmers' market.

Following his announcement he presented Lady Holborrow with a framed copy of the original dispatch, which she said would be kept in the Royal Cornwall Museum.

Councillor Roden was then presented with a copy of the new Trafalgar dispatch, created especially for the anniversary. A plaque was finally unveiled, to mark the city as the fourth stop of the Trafalgar Way. A special commemorative Ordnance Survey map has been produced marking the Trafalgar Way, which marks the route that Lieutenant Lapenotiere took to deliver his news to London.

Two days previously a similar re-enactment had been carried out in Falmouth, which is believed to have been the first place to receive the news. Princess Anne was there to celebrate the occasion and greet Lieutenant Lapenotiere as he stepped off the cutter from HMS Pickle, at Fish Strand Quay.