STUDENTS worried about what to do after they receive their exam results will be able to turn for help to teams of experts at centres throughout the county.

GCSE results are due out on August 25.

Many students will get better grades than they expected while others will do less well.

Consultants from Connexions Somerset - the advice service for 13 to 19 year olds - will available at centres in Minehead and Taunton to help students plan their next move.

Young people and their parents and carers can drop into any of the Connexions centres or make an appointment beforehand.

And for those unable to get into one of the centres during the day, there is an out-of-hours telephone helpline 080800-13219 or they can text 077664 13219 or access for a web chat or to send an e-mail.

For further advice about results, read this Friday's County Gazette