CORNWALL Raceways held the last of their Wednesday evening meetings last week and once again a large crowd of spectators were present to witness some hard-hitting action from the Banger classes and high-speed non-contact racing from the Rod and Mini classes.

Unfortunately Mark Adam sustained spinal injuries during the first of the Big Banger races which required a road ambulance to travel out from Penzance to take him to hospital.

Due to the length of time this took and with daylight rapidly disappearing, racing was restricted to two heats for each class.

The small Banger class saw 00 Ronnie Mathews extend his lead at the top of the championship table by winning the first heat, with 840 Rob Warmby taking the second.

Heat wins for the Minis went to 877 Josh Lovelock and 831 Adam McAleer.

The Big Banger class saw some terrific action with cars smashing into the safety fence and roll overs in both heats. 358 Marcus Lean won the first heat just ahead of 210 Mike Johns, the second heat saw a reverse of positions for these two drivers.

Full report and latests positions in this week's issue.