The Maritime Museum has completed the restoration work on a significant historic Cornish motor launch. Jonik is a 24 foot gentleman's motor launch built by Percy Clemens of Fowey in 1934. Made using the finest timber available, a combination of silver spruce and teak, the vessel has spent her whole life on the River Fowey.

The boat was donated to the museum by Richard King, whose grandfather was the original owner. He very generously pledged a further £5,000 of funding to ensure that her restoration was carried out in full and as soon as possible. Due to general wear and tear, the boat had deteriorated over the years and was stripped back to basics by Cornish boat builder, Maurice Hunkin, and then renovated and given a fresh coat of paint.

Talking about the work he has done, Maurice said: "Jonik is a beautiful Fowey boat and it was a pleasure to work on such a rare treasure. As a boatbuilding family we have looked after her for nearly 45 years but after the death of Mr King, the original owner, she had become a bit neglected. Teak comes up nicely when you restore it properly and she looks as good as new now. I'm certain she still has a long and eventful life ahead of her."

Jonik was originally powered by a Thorneycroft Handybilly petrol engine but when this was replaced with a diesel engine, the original was donated to the Science Museum in London.