A full-size replica of a Spitfire will be arriving in Truro on Sunday to grace the Lemon Quay piazza.

It will stay there until September 11 for the county's commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II which will be attended by the Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall, Lady Mary Holborow.

The Spitfire was obtained by Truro Chamber of Commerce member Nigel Parriss, of the House of Fabrics, who is organising the event. He arranged the loan of the iconic airplane from Barry Welland, of St Mawgan, outside whose home it has become a familiar sight for many years.

"The Spitfire has such an important place in World War II history," said Mr Parriss. "We were outnumbered four to one in the skies and if it wasn't for the eventual superiority of the Spitfires and Hurricanes we would probably all be speaking a different language today."

The commemoration day will begin with a service at Truro Cathedral for an invited congregation.

That service will be followed by a parade involving units of the Royal Navy, the Army, RAF and US Navy with veterans and cadets who will march from Pydar Street into Boscawen Street led by the Royal Marine Band.

At midday, there will be a symbolic handover of three torches by the veterans to the cadets at the war memorial and then the parade will march to Lemon Quay, where the Lord Lieutenant will take the salute. There will also be a flypast of military aircraft and the Royal Marines will beat retreat.

n Voluteers are required by the chamber to tend the Spitfire display and sell memorabilia over the 12 days. To be listed as a volunteer steward contact Mt Parriss on 01872 276635.