THE uncertain future of a proposed Chard play facility took a dramatic twist this week.

A report put before South Somerset District Council's Area West Committee last Wednesday asked councillors to back the controversial siting of a multi-use games area at Redstart Park.

However, following a last-minute site visit by district sport and leisure manager Steve Joel, this recommendation was changed, and councillors were asked to support a MUGA at Henson Park.

Plans for a MUGA at Red-start were then ended when councillors voted in support of the changed recommendation. Speaking at the meeting, Mr Joel said: "I looked at the site last night because I wanted to make sure we had the right place but I believe we have got it wrong.

"The open space at Red-start Park is a very nice piece of land in an area where there is very little green open space. "A MUGA would detract from this. It would take up a third of the park, and would visually dominate the area.

"My view is that we should switch to Henson Park. There is still an opportunity for improved facilities for young people at Redstart, but the best way forward is not a MUGA of this size."

Mr Joel added that he was confident the £45,391 of Sport England funding for the Redstart project could be diverted to another part of Chard.