Cancer patients referred to the Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust are being diagnosed and treated more quickly than in many other parts of the country.

The trust has been meeting the target to see all urgent GP referrals for suspected cancers within two weeks for some time. Now, the latest figures, released by the Department of Health show that 92 per cent of patients are being treated within 31 days of diagnosis and 80 per cent being treated within 62 days of their initial referral from their GP with suspected cancer - the national average for this target is 77 per cent.

Dr Matthew Collinson said: "Our cancer teams are putting a tremendous amount of effort into speeding up treatment for their patients and the latest figures show that we are performing among the best in the country.

"The latest figures are a further improvement on the previous quarter, with the decision to treat to treatment beginning target up by 7.4 per cent and the referral to treatment target up by 12.8 per cent. Between April 1 and June 30, 1,741 patients were referred by GPs for suspected cancer and these were all seen within 14 days. The number of urgent cancer referrals to the trust has risen almost 60 per cent over the past five years. During April to June this year, 424 patients were treated for cancer."