"SUPERB" was how the headteacher of Penryn College described this year's GCSE results.

Marie Hunter said the college's 61 per cent pass rate of five grade A-C passes was the result of the college's pupils working really hard over the past two years, achieving some of the highest results the college has produced.

"The young people worked hard and achieved the results that they deserve. Everybody left with at least one GCSE. Boys achieved exceptionally high results, with 59 per cent at five A* - C passes, compared with the girls' 62 per cent.

"Yet again we are also really pleased with the excellent results gained by those pupils with special needs." Among the top achieving pupils were Zoe Griffiths, Andrew Gibbs Ripley and Phillip Merrifield who collected 16A*s, 8As, and 9Bs between them.

The college also saw 41 of its Year 10 students achieve a GCSE pass in statistics, a year early. Aran Webb passed with an A*, and Luke Lane, Matilda Metcalfe and Sophie Gale all passed with grade As. Beth Wiley achieved a grade A in French, a year early, also.

"The results indicate the tremendous hard work put in by the young people, the high quality of teaching and the support given to them by everyone at home. There deserves to be celebrations in many houses," added Ms Hunter.