Wellington's museum has vowed to back the town council in its bid to keep The Squirrel in Fore Street as the council and community offices.

Taunton Deane Council has said it is looking for new premises for the town council chambers and offices as it will cost around £62,000 to bring them up to a standard which complies with the Disability Discrimination Act.

However, the town council is arguing that the act can be complied with at The Squirrel for much less than Taunton Deane's estimations and says that it doesn't want to move to new chambers.

While the town council has backed a move by Cllr Ross Henley for the situation to be called in by Taunton deane Council's review committee, Wellington Museum has said it is happy with its location at The Squirrel and doesn't want to have to move either.

Full story in this week's Wellington & District edition of the County Gazette.