NORTH Curry residents fear illegal gypsies living on land at Oxen Lane have found a planning loophole that could allow them to drag out their eviction.

A public inquiry has been carried out on Taunton Deane Council's decision to evict the gypsies from the Oxen Lane field in which they set up home in last year.

But, while a decision is being awaited from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, the gypsies have started erecting chicken coops, and have brought birds on to the site.

A spokesman for Taunton Deane Council told the County Gazette "The council's senior solicitor and enforcement officer have been in contact with concerned residents of North Curry with regards to the chickens currently being kept on the Oxen Lane site.

"As the authorised use of the land is agricultural, any agricultural use on the site does not require permission."

Full story in this week's Wellington edition of the County Gazette.