DUNKESWELL Airfield's salute to its Wartime aviation history is now officially on.

The long-awaited event, which was unavoidably postponed last year, is taking place on Sunday, August 13.

The historic venue will host a magnificent array of WWll aircraft which, weather permitting will be both on the ground for inspection and in the air.

Among the main attractions will be a Douglas DC3, better known as the Dakota or C47, one of the actual 81 aircraft that departed from Upottery Airfield (Smeatharpe) during the early stages of D-Day carrying men of the 101st Airborne Division including the Band of Brothers' depicted in the TV series.

This plane and others will be open for public viewing before the flying displays.

Another WWll veteran will be the PBY 52 Catalina -this very large white twin engined amphibian has been specially invited to help commemorate the role of Dunkeswell's war time B24 Liberator bombers as both types of aircraft shared the crucial task of protecting Britain's vital shipping lanes against the U-boat menace.

The fantastic line up for the afternoons display also includes an actual Battle of Britain Hawker Hurricane fighter (the oldest still flying) and a Spitfire XI, these two represent the WWII fighters of Exeter and Culmhead.

The fast and powerful Hawker Sea Fury from the Royal Navy Historic Flight at Yeovil marks the Fleet Air Arm contribution. This aircraft, developed as WWII closed, went on to serve in Korea where they proved a match for the opposing jet MIG15s.

The Trust has called back one of the Mustangs that thrilled the crowds on the 60th anniversary tribute to D-Day at Smeatharpe in 2004.

Also with in the afternoons packed programme is a Beech Expeditor in WWII RAF South East Asian colours, a post war Pembroke and two Provost, plus the worlds largest single engined biplane- the Antonov AN2 or Annushka as they were dubbed by Russian soldiers.

A Miles Duo of air ace Fred Dunkerlys race and record winning Miles Gemini and its companion Miles Messenger in the colours of Field Marshall Montgomery's personal plane along with static and flying displays from the Blackdown Hills model flying Club.

Then for a perfect finish for what promises to be a wonderful event the Royal British Legion will lead a short commemorative service coinciding with the arrival of the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight's Spitfire, Hurricane and the mighty Lancaster bomber.

The organisers, South West Airfields Heritage Trust, with the generous financial assistance of the National Lottery Heritage Fund, have spent 12 months planning this tribute.

"We believe that our generation must continue to carry the torch and keep alive the memories of all those civilians and service people who gave so much in the six long years of war" said their spokesman.

"Their sacrifices ensured our freedom and for those who have followed on.

"The airfields on the Blackdown Hills and the role they played should not be forgotten, so the best way of saluting them is to bring back the sights and sounds of the aircraft of that era."

Enquiries are welcomed for exhibition stalls, re-enactment groups, plus military and private vehicles of the era.

The gates will open at 10am and admission will be via vehicular and car park access only at just £20 per car (up to 5 people) and £10 per motorcycle including all passengers.

Additional charges will apply for MPVs and minibuses.

Cycles will be £5, but be aware the road is not particularly suitable for cycling.

Please note that there will be NO pedestrian access whatsoever to the airfield as there are no adequate public footpaths leading there.

Advanced parking tickets will be available from outlets shown below with a saving of £5 per vehicle and fast track access to parking. Disabled parking facilities will also be available.

All enquiries-trade or public, should be directed initially to G-VFWE Ops, 15 Glenair Avenue, Poole, Dorset, BH14 8AD or e-mail ops@eventsthatwork.co.uk Tickets are available from Dunkeswell Airfield, phone 01404-891226