THE terrifying moments when student Lloyd Fouracre was kicked and beaten to death have been relived in court by his friends this week.

Exeter Crown Court heard how the Richard Huish College student died on September 25 last year, after being at-tacked as he left a party in Taunton the day before his 18th birthday.

Three 19-year-old Taunton youths - Andrew Betty, from Priorswood Road, Ross McCormack, of Pyrland Avenue and Jay Wall, of St David's Close - deny murder.

Their trial started on Monday and is expected to last three weeks.

On the second day, Mary Theobald, 18, fought back tears on the witness stand as she described the "terrifying" attack to the jury.

She said the two groups had crossed paths in Gipsy Lane and told the court that as she turned to look behind her she saw one of the attackers carrying a sign at shoulder height, walking after Lloyd Fouracre.

Miss Theobald said that she saw the "first blow" hit the youngster on the head. "It was given with a lot of force like a baseball swing. It was not a tap - it was done to cause damage.

"Lloyd fell straight to the ground. He didn't have a chance to break his fall. I was terrified.

"I feared for my safety and wanted to get away."

Another friend, Zachary Osborne, 18, told the court he had tried to help Lloyd Fouracre after he had been hit by the wooden sign.

"It all happened so quickly, but I saw Lloyd being struck across the face with the sign. He fell to the floor without trying to break his fall, so he must have been unconscious.

"His attacker struck him again and then I saw him shape for a third strike, so I ran across, grabbed him in a bear hug and wrestled him to the ground.

"He managed to escape and, while I was on the floor, someone came over and tried to hit me on the head with a bicycle saddle and stamp on my head.

"After that stopped, I went over to Lloyd and saw him lying, bleeding. I said to the attackers: 'I think you've pretty much killed him," he added.

"One of them said: 'Look what happens when you mess with me'."

Under cross-examination, Mary Theobald and Zachary Osborne told the court that they had been unable to identify the attackers from the police photo files.

However, Liam Bleeks, who had also been walking with the group, said that he recognised Andrew Betty as the one wielding the wooden sign and Jay Wall as being at the scene.

He told the court: "I saw Lloyd being hit by Andrew Betty with a sign on the side of the head - he collapsed like a tree being felled.

"I've known Andrew Betty for ten years or so. I used to see him at a youth club and in the parks around where I live.

"When Zac was being kicked, I saw Jay Wall - I recognised his face.

"Zac was being kicked like a football - they were violent kicks, aiming to cause injury."

Yesterday (Wednesday), the jury heard how Lloyd's distraught friends put him in the recovery position as they waited for help to arrive.

Paramedic Theresa Pask said her colleague battled to save the teenager as she drove to Musgrove Park Hospi-tal in Taunton.

When they arrived at the Accident and Emergency department, Lloyd - who lived at Broomfield - was rushed to the resuscitation room, but was certified dead at 1.21am.

The trial continues.

For a full special report of this week's trial, see today's County Gazette.