CREATIVE members of an arts group in Wiveliscombe have given Taunton MP Jeremy Browne a tour of their new art gallery.

The MP visited the Wiveliscombe Art and Craft Cooperative's gallery, Red Hat, located on Wiveliscombe High Street and said he was impressed with what he saw.

He said: "Wiveliscombe is gaining a reputation for being a centre of creative arts and crafts.

"The Ten Parishes Festival last summer showed the high standard of work that is being produced in the area and the enthusiasm that exists for supporting local artists."

Their gallery on Wiveliscombe High Street has only been open for a few weeks but it is already attracting large numbers of visitors.

It is open during regular shop hours and is staffed by a rota of the members of the group.

They now have opportunities to display and sell their work that did not exist before.